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Moving mini map is mini map have center object and map moves to make correct center position.
it use map sprite and mark sprites.
it doesn't require camera or render texture.
support unlimited objects.
support mark rotation.
two type Circular and Rectangular.
have demo scene with two mini map one for each type.

click here
Physical Root Motion turn root motion from transform to rigid body.

1-dosen`t go throw walls if speed is high or wall thickness is low
2-fix problem of unity root motion with mixamo.
3-dosen`t return to it`s original position after finish.
4-can be used for moving with position, velocity or acceleration.
How to use:
1-put PhysicalRootMotion on character hips.
2-put Animator Override Controller to character and make sure to not activate apply root motion.
3-choose root motion animation in Animator Override Controller.
4-assign player animator to PhysicalRootMotion.
5-choose step which decide the time for each position capture.
6-click play.
7-press u to start animation.
8-press u again after root motion finish.
9-go to https://www.dcode.fr/function-equation-finder without stop playing.
10-copy times string and paste in x axis field.
11-first copy positionx and paste in y axis field.
12-choose any Curve Fitting method.
13-activate Plot corresponding curve (when fitting).
14-click Find a matching equation.
15-do this for all Curve Fitting method and choose most fitting one.
16-copy the resalt equation.
17-do this also but change y axis with positiony ones and positionz ones.
18-put equations in https://www.derivative-calculator.net/ than click go and get the new one(the velocity equations).
19-use the equations in script like resaltmotionscript.
20-add rigid body and freeze all rotations.
21-create an animation without root motion.
22-click play and press u to see the resalt.


Gethub link:Click Here

Pro Version:Click Here
Advance Screen Input Manger
Mobile Controls is design to be used in android and ios but it can be also used in pc.
In android and ios it work with touches only and in pc it work with mouse only.
it make Moveing buttons with events to detect any action happed to it.
it can also make Static buttons when set MaxDistance to zero.
Some Features:1-Change button Size with Changing Resolution(if wish).
2-Change Border Size with Changing Resolution(if wish).
3-Change Max Distance with Changing Resolution(if wish).
4-Reach an Controller by it`s id from any where.
5-Support OnDowned, OnUped, OnDoubleClickDowned, OnDoubleClickUped, OnResolutionChange and OnMove;
6-Get State like IsUped and IsDragging with or without change it.
7-get pressed time.
8-Change Double Click Interval.
9-get moved distance and angle at ant time which help to do something like difference between walk and run, low range and high range skill, and rotate player to same angle.
10-has no problem with old and new inputsystem
and more.
Prfabs must be in Canvas and Scene must have EventSystem.
change value of any uped and down Boolean with automatic make it false you can`t make it true manually except with touch or mouse;
Some Features may be add later.

VariablePlaceMoveingButton is design to be used in android , ios and pc.
In android and ios it work with touches only and in pc it work with mouse only.
it make Moveing buttons with events to detect any action happed to it.
Some Features:1-Change button Size with Changing Resolution(if wish).
2-Change Allowed area with Changing Resolution(if wish).
3-Support Multi Buttons in android and ios.
4-Spawn Button On select area in screen and ability to drag it.
5-Support OnDowned, OnUped, OnHoldForminTouchDurationAndStillHold, OnDraggingBefourminTouchDuration, OnResolutionChange , OnDraggingAfterminTouchDuration,OnReleaseDragAfterminTouchDuration,OnReleaseDragBefourminTouchDurationWithFastRelease,OnReleaseDragBefourminTouchDurationWithoutFastRelease and OnFastTouch events;
6-Get State like isTouching , isDragging and isDraggingBeforeMinTouchDuration with or without change it.
7-get touchduration and draggingDuration.
8-Change minTouchDuration and maxFastDragDuration.
9-get moved distance and angle at ant time which help to do something like difference between walk and run, low range and high range skill, and rotate player to same angle.
10-has no problem with old and new inputsystem
11-Select custom button and line prefabs(must be in one empty gameobject and you must change linecount and buttoncount to it`s number as child start from 0).
and more.
Script must be added to canvas only
Some Features may be add later.

ZoomInOut is design to be used in android and ios but it can be also used in pc.
In android and ios it work with touches only and in pc it work with mouse only.
in Android And ios you can rotate while zoom(if wish)
you Can Choose Axis to Zoom and which axis to rotate around
you can zoom camera , UI Object and game object
Download link:Click Here

How To Use Videos with exambles

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