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Physical Root Motion turn root motion from transform to rigid body.

1-dosen`t go throw walls if speed is high or wall thickness is low
2-fix problem of unity root motion with mixamo.
3-dosen`t return to it`s original position after finish.
4-can be used for moving with position, velocity or acceleration.
How to use:
1-put PhysicalRootMotion on character hips.
2-put Animator Override Controller to character and make sure to not activate apply root motion.
3-choose root motion animation in Animator Override Controller.
4-assign player animator to PhysicalRootMotion.
5-choose step which decide the time for each position capture.
6-click play.
7-press u to start animation.
8-press u again after root motion finish.
9-go to https://www.dcode.fr/function-equation-finder without stop playing.
10-copy times string and paste in x axis field.
11-first copy positionx and paste in y axis field.
12-choose any Curve Fitting method.
13-activate Plot corresponding curve (when fitting).
14-click Find a matching equation.
15-do this for all Curve Fitting method and choose most fitting one.
16-copy the resalt equation.
17-do this also but change y axis with positiony ones and positionz ones.
18-put equations in https://www.derivative-calculator.net/ than click go and get the new one(the velocity equations).
19-use the equations in script like resaltmotionscript.
20-add rigid body and freeze all rotations.
21-create an animation without root motion.
22-click play and press u to see the resalt.


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Pro Version:Click Here

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